The new Oregon Foundation Databook just shipped March 2020, and GPA members qualify for a substantial discount!
The Oregon Foundation DataBook & Software 14th Edition is a directory and software of every Oregon foundation, with comprehensive profiles of the largest 329 grantmaking foundations and a categorical listing of every one of the more than 13,000 grants they awarded to mostly Oregon nonprofit organizations for the most recent year on record. All grants for the most recent year on record are listed and grouped by category. Foundations are also ranked by assets, grants paid, geographic areas, grantee category and more. If you’d like an everyday search tool to turn to for Oregon grants, this is a great resource. Please note that the software does not work on Windows 10.
Thank you to Craig McPherson of C&D publishing for making this possible.
- Current GPA of Oregon & SW Washington chapter members receive a 25% discount
- Regular price is $250 for the book plus software . GPA member price with discount is $187.50
- Place note in online order and email proof of current membership. Email Craig McPherson directly via the Foundation Databook website (
The Oregon Foundation DataBook & Software 14th Edition is a directory and software of every Oregon foundation, with comprehensive profiles of the largest 329 grantmaking foundations and a categorical listing of every one of the more than 13,000 grants they awarded to mostly Oregon nonprofit organizations for the most recent year on record. All grants for the most recent year on record are listed and grouped by category. Foundations are also ranked by assets, grants paid, geographic areas, grantee category and more. If you’d like an everyday search tool to turn to for Oregon grants, this is a great resource. Please note that the software does not work on Windows 10.
Thank you to Craig McPherson of C&D publishing for making this possible.